Climax Of The Story Orpheus

Climax Of The Story Orpheus

climax of the story orpheus​

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1. climax of the story orpheus​


The climax of the story occurs when Orpheus travels to the Underworld to look for Eurydice and loses her before the couple can make it to the Upperworld. In the story, Orpheus is in love with the beautiful Eurydice. ... In the end, Hades gives his permission for Orpheus to take Eurydice back to the Upperworld.


2. climax of the story orpheus

When Eurydice got bit by a snake

3. climax of the story orpheus

when orpheus look back to see if eurydice is still following him. but that was against the condition, so eurydice was swallowed by the darkness.

4. what is the climax about the story of orpheus​


Orpheus decided to get his wife, Eurydice, on the underworld by pleasing the gods on their with his music.

5. climax rising ng Orpheus story​


Answer Key:

Climax rising ng Orpheus story?


Explanation Key:

Climax. Orpheus, the great musician, and Eurydice get married and begin their life together. As they run through a field together, Eurydice gets bitten by a poisonous snake and falls to the ground. Eurydice and her spirit sink into the ground and fall to the underworld.

6. CLIMAX of the story of Orpheus and Eurydice.​


The climax of the story occurs when Orpheus travels to the Underworld to look for Eurydice and loses her before the couple can make it to the Upperworld. In the story, Orpheus is in love with the beautiful Eurydice. ... In the end, Hades gives his permission for Orpheus to take Eurydice back to the Upperworld.


Heart if i helps

7. Climax of Orpheus by Alice low

Orpheus decided to follow his wife to the under world and bring her back to earth

8. What is the climax in story of orpheus?

when orpheus looked back to see if eurydice is still following him. but eurydice was swallowed by the darkness

9. Climax of the story orpheus

when he decide to go down to the underworld to get back Eurydice in life.

10. in the story of ORPHEUS what was the greatest strength of orpheus​


Orpheus'greatest strength was playing the lyre.

11. What is the climax of the story of orpheus

The climax in the story of Orpheus is when He climbed into a cave then crossed the dark passage and had passed the patrols of the underworld playing his sad songs, pleading for her wife

12. summary of the story of orpheus *with parts of the story (need asap before 12 pm)expositionrising actionclimax falling actionresolution/denouement​


Orpheus, a Memphis rock star, must travel to the Underworld to bring back his dead love, Eurydice. Based on the Greek myth. ... When Eurydice, Orpheus' wife, dies to be with Hades in his world, Orpheus has a change of heart and tries to reach her in the Underworld, bring her back.


hope it helps

13. what is the climax of orpheus by alice low?

maybe it was when he was going to the underworld with his harp and also talking to hades about taking away his wife and bringing her back to the earth(in which he did not really accomplished because the task that hades gave him was not obeyed)

14. What is the climax of the story Orpheus


Climax. Orpheus, the great musician, and Eurydice get married and begin their life together. As they run through a field together, Eurydice gets bitten by a poisonous snake and falls to the ground. Eurydice and her spirit sink into the ground and fall to the underworld

15. what is the climax part of the story orpheus?

When he wanted to face Hades to bring back his wife, Euphrates.

16. What is the Exposition,Rising Action,Climax,Falling Action, and Resolution of the story ORPHEUS



Orpheus was the son of Calliope, the muse of music to a mortal. It was said that his he had get his extraordinary talent in music from his mother.

Rising Action

Trees would uproot themselves and rivers would change their paths just to hear Orpheus' talent. Orpheus has a lovely wife named Eurydice. One day after Eurydice stepped on a poisonous snake, she died.


After that Orpheus roam the world, playing sad melody's to grieve for the lost of his wife. He then decided to follow Eurydice in the underworld.

Falling Action

Orpheus play sad song for Hades and Persephone. For the first, Persephone's heart melted upon hearing Orpheus' songs. The couple decided to let Eurydice be reconciled with his husband but to one condition, Orpheus must not look at Eurydice until they are out from the Underworld.


They are almost out and Orpheus said a thing that Eurydice hadn't heard so she didn't answered. Worried that Eurydice was not following him, he turned and look at his wife and Persephone was snatched back to the Underworld. After that Orpheus roam the world, singing and playing sad melody's and yearning for the day he would met Eurydice again, in the Underworld.

17. the climax of the story of orpheus by alice low

The climax of the story Orpheus is when Orpheus came down to the underworld to get Eurydice back

18. what is the climax in the story orpheus?

The climax in the story of Orpheus is when he must bring back and follow Euridice in the underworld and to overcome the dangerous path that he will take to the UnderworldWhen he climbed to the dark passage trough the underworld just to get eurydice and be reunited again .. He play his sad music pleading for eurydice to hades and persephone ..

19. what is the climax of orpheus

the climax of orpheus is when he  asked hades and his wife to let eurydice to be free or to be alive again so that he will not be sad again

20. What is the climax, of Orpheus story by alice law

The climax happens as Orpheus starts to roam the underworld. He crosses the river of Styx and then eventually come in time when he met Hades who is living together with his wife. He beg for the life of his wife, Eurydice. With the lonely and sincere emotion in his song, he ended up having his wife back but then with one favorable condition.

21. who's is Orpheus in the story of Orpheus??​


Orpheous is a legendary musician and prophet in ancient greek religion.


Who's is Orpheus in the story of Orpheus?


- Orpheus is a legendary musician and prophet in ancient Greek religion. He was also a renowned poet and, according to the legend, travelled with Jason and the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece, and even descended into the Underworld of Hades to recover his lost wife Eurydice.

Hope it helps.


22. climax about orpheus​


The climax of the story occurs when Orpheus travels to the Underworld to look for Eurydice and loses her before the couple can make it to the Upperworld. In the story, Orpheus is in love with the beautiful Eurydice. ... In the end, Hades gives his permission for Orpheus to take Eurydice back to the Upperworld.

23. Climax of the story of Orpheus

when he wants to get her wife back to him
and then he go underworld to convince the king to take back her wife

24. climax about the story of orpheus


            Orpheus begs to the underworld god Hades for taking back his wife back to earth. Orpheus almost saves and resurrects his beloved wife except for a one mistake he had done. He broke a condition in which he must not look back at her until he’s on earth again.

25. What is the summary of the middle part or rather the climax of the myth Orpheus?


The climax of the story occurs when Orpheus travels to the Underworld to look for Eurydice and loses her before the couple can make it to the Upperworld. In the story, Orpheus is in love with the beautiful Eurydice. ... In the end, Hades gives his permission for Orpheus to take Eurydice back to the Upperworld.

26. what is the climax of the short story orpheus

What is the climax of the short story Orpheus?


The climax is when Orpheus traveled to the Upperworld to get his wife Eurydice back. Eurydice must walk behind Orpheus as they ascend to the Upperworld. Orpheus must not look behind to see Eurydice, otherwise, he will lose her. When they are about to exit the cave into the light, he looked back to check on her. Ergo, Orpheus lost her before they can make it to the Upperworld.


27. What are the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution in the story of "Orpheus" by Alice Low?

These are the following explanation of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution in the story of "Orpheus":Exposition:

Orpheus is a legendary musician, poet, and prophet in ancient Greek religion and myth. He has the ability to charm all living things and even stones with his music.

Rising action:

Orpheus met and wooed the maiden he loved, Eurydice. They were married. Directly after their wedding, as the bride walks in the meadow with her bridesmaid, a viper bit her and caused to death.


Orpheus went to the underworld and successfully convinced Hades and Persephone to give his wife in a condition that he should not turn a glimpse to her until they reach the world of the living. They pass the great doors of hades to the path that which would take them out of the darkness. Climbing up and up. But when they almost there, and he turned to her. It was too soon in the cavern. He saw her in the dim light and held out his arms to clasp her, but on the instant, she was gone.

Falling action:

Desperately, he tried to rush after her and follow her down, but he is not allowed. The Gods did not allow him to go down to the land of the dead the second time, while he is alive.


He wandered through the wild solitude of Thrace, comfortless except for his lyre, playing, always playing, and the rocks and the rivers and the trees him gladly, his only companions.

The story “ Orpheus” was written by Hugh Lupton. It was based on Greek religion and myth. The story was ended with a tragedy causing the death of the lovers, Orpheus and Eurydice.

It has a following significant message: On how disobedient leads to sorrow.Regret.Even death.

For more information about this story related topics, you may see some links given below:

Techniques of the story in Orpheus. of the story Orpheus. of the story in Orpheus.

28. What is the climax of the story Orpheus


Climax. Orpheus, the great musician, and Eurydice get married and begin their life together. As they run through a field together, Eurydice gets bitten by a poisonous snake and falls to the ground. Eurydice and her spirit sink into the ground and fall to the underworld.

the climax is the beginning itself.

29. what is the climax in story of orpheus

When he was up on the land of the living, he looked back at her but Pluto had said that both of them had to be out of the underworld before he looked back.

30. Climax of the story Orpheus by Alice Low

is when Orpeus travel down to the underworld to get Eurydice back because of his longing for her

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