Mood Of Annabel Lee

Mood Of Annabel Lee

how does imagery influence the mood of the poem about annabel lee​

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1. how does imagery influence the mood of the poem about annabel lee​


In Edgar Allan Poe’s “Annabel Lee”, Poe tells a story of love, even after an event of unfair death.


sana makatulong

2. What does the following line suggest? "For the moon never beams, without bringingme dreamsof the beautiful Annabel Lee;And the stars never rise, but I feel the brighteyes of the beautiful Annabel Lee;"a. That Annabel Lee is like a moonb. That Annabel Lee cannot be any more applaudingc. That Annabel Lee was incredible amazing beautiful person​




That Annabel Lee was incredible amazing beautiful person

sana maka tulong that's my correct answer on my quiz

3. what is the features of Annabelle Lee ​


Beautiful young maiden loved by the poet.

4. what are words that describe the setting in "Annabell Lee"?


The setting of "Annabel Lee" is not described in great detail in the poem, as the focus is more on the narrator's personal emotions and feelings towards Annabel Lee. However, some words that could be used to describe the setting based on the brief descriptions in the poem include:

1. Coastal: The poem mentions "a kingdom by the sea," suggesting that the scene is situated along a coast or shoreline.

2. Romantic: The poem has a generally romantic and melancholy tone, with vivid description of love and loss.

3. Serene: Despite the narrator's pain and grief, he describes the setting as "seraphs in heaven" and "a love that the winged seraphs of Heaven coveted her and me."

4. Isolated: The narrator describes himself and Annabel Lee as living "in a kingdom by the sea" away from other people, suggesting a sense of remoteness.

5. Atmosphere: The poem creates an eerie atmosphere through its repetition and use of assonance, particularly in lines such as "the moon never beams without bringing me dreams."

Overall, the setting of "Annabel Lee" is more concerned with creating a mood and tone that reflects the narrator's emotions than with detailed descriptions of the physical surroundings.





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5. what kind of love was shown in the poem annabel lee? ​


In "Annabel Lee," love is characterized as being obsessive and all-consuming.


6. What is the imagery is used in the poem of Annabel Lee?​


In Edgar Allan Poe's “Annabel Lee”, Poe tells a story of love, even after an event of unfair death. His use of imagery portrays a “kingdom by the sea” where a young girl by the name of Annabel Lee lived. ... – Poe provides a sense of visual imagery with the kingdom by the sea and the sepulcher.

Answer: Edgar Allan Poe's “Annabel Lee”,


7. Full poem of Annabel Lee by Allan Poe


"Annabel Lee"


It was many and many a year ago,

In a kingdom by the sea,

That a maiden there lived whom you may know

By the name of Annabel Lee;

And this maiden she lived with no other thought

Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,

In this kingdom by the sea,

But we loved with a love that was more than love—

I and my Annabel Lee—

With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven

Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,

In this kingdom by the sea,

A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling

My beautiful Annabel Lee;

So that her highborn kinsmen came

And bore her away from me,

To shut her up in a sepulchre

In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,

Went envying her and me—

Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know,

In this kingdom by the sea)

That the wind came out of the cloud by night,

Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love

Of those who were older than we—

Of many far wiser than we—

And neither the angels in Heaven above

Nor the demons down under the sea

Can ever dissever my soul from the soul

Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams

Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes

Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side

Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride,

In her sepulchre there by the sea—

In her tomb by the sounding sea.

8. what is the message of the poem annabel lee​

Answer: The central message of "Annabel Lee" is that love can transcend death. Poe introduces this message by describing the deep love between Annabel Lee and the speaker. The speaker claims their love was all-consuming and that this unusual love was a source of envy even for the angels of heaven.


9. critique of Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan poe​


“Annabel Lee” is a poem about a beautiful but agonizing memory to the narrator. The speaker is commemorating his lost love who is Annabel Lee. As narrated by the speaker, he knew Annabel Lee a long time ago when she was still a girl, and they all lived in a place that was near the sea. In the poem, it is clear that the two were only children but their love was so severe that even the angels were jealous. Apparently, the speaker blames the angels for killing his love due to their jealousy. As the speaker argues, the wind came from the clouds and led to Annabel Lee’s sickness and eventually resulted in her death. Readers get conversant as the poem end that her relatives took her and buried her in a tomb. The speaker’s narration is an elaboration of the topic of love that is evident in the poem.

Love is evident in the poem given that the speaker’s narration purely revolves around issues of love. The speaker loved Annabel right from their teenage in a kingdom by the sea, but their love was apparently challenged by the death of Annabel Lee. Still, the narrator does not forget her gone love, Annabel. He instead continues to dream about her, believes that their souls are knotted. He even sleeps in her tomb at night just to remember the gone love. As narrated by the speaker of the poem, love led to the jealousy that he believes led to Annabel’s death. The speaker courageously mentions that the angels were not even half as happy as he and Annabel were. The narration implies how strong the angels’ envy was since everybody assumes that the angels are a very being in heaven. One would categorize the topic of envy in its own, but it also fall under the topic of love in Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “Annabel Lee”. It is the love that has led to the envy as narrated by the speaker in the poem.

10. what are the figure of speech about Annabel lee​

Hyperbole is exaggeration. 'I was a child and she was a child. ' This is a line from the poem 'Annabel Lee' in which the narrator talks about Annabel Lee and himself as children. This is hyperbole, or exaggeration, to indicate that Annabel Lee and the narrator were young and in love.

11. how would you describe annabel lee​


Annabel Lee" is about a beautiful, painful memory. The speaker of the poem is remembering his long-lost love, Annabel Lee. The speaker knew Annabel Lee many years ago, when she was a girl, and they both lived "in a kingdom by the sea." Even though they were only children, these two were really, seriously in love.

Hope it helps:)

12. What are the conflicts of the women in the poem annabel lee?​


In one of Poe's poems, “Annabel Lee”, the conflict of the poem is how the narrator 's lost the love of his life and he needs to find a way to get her back.



13. How many lines are there in stanza 3 in annabel lee?


It is consist of 6 lines

14. annabel Lee context of the poem​


please comment the poem


thank u

15. what the poem of annabel lee is all about?​

it explores the theme of the death of a beautiful woman.

16. Give an reflections about the Annabelle lee​


Edgar had and will still love Annabel Lee. Because towards the end he states “But our love it was stronger by far than the love of those who were older than we- -Of many far wiser than we – – And neither the angels in Heaven above.


17. how will you describe the speaker of the poem in annabel lee​


Annabel Lee" is about a beautiful, painful memory. The speaker of the poem is remembering his long-lost love, Annabel Lee. The speaker knew Annabel Lee many years ago, when she was a girl, and they both lived "in a kingdom by the sea." Even though they were only children, these two were really, seriously in love.


sanaa makatulong have a great day

18. how does the story of Annabel Lee finish​


The narrator of the poem declares that Annabel Lee died because their love was so strong the angels grew jealous and killed her. Poe wrote Annabel Lee two years after his wife died of tuberculosis at age 24. The poem ends with the narrator going to the sea and looking up to the heavens. ... Than to love and be loved by me.


Hope i Get Brainliest answer

i hope nakatulong aq

19. Create a short independent critique of the poem annabel lee​.


Annabel Lee” is a poem about a beautiful but agonizing memory to the narrator. The speaker is commemorating his lost love who is Annabel Lee. As narrated by the speaker, he knew Annabel Lee a long time ago when she was still a girl, and they all lived in a place that was near the sea. In the poem, it is clear that the two were only children but their love was so severe that even the angels were jealous. Apparently, the speaker blames the angels for killing his love due to their jealousy. As the speaker argues, the wind came from the clouds and led to Annabel Lee’s sickness and eventually resulted in her death. Readers get conversant as the poem end that her relatives took her and buried her in a tomb. The speaker’s narration is an elaboration of the topic of love that is evident in the poem.

Annabel Lee” is a poem about a beautiful but agonizing memory to the narrator. The speaker is commemorating his lost love who is Annabel Lee. As narrated by the speaker, he knew Annabel Lee a long time ago when she was still a girl, and they all lived in a place that was near the sea. In the poem, it is clear that the two were only children but their love was so severe that even the angels were jealous. Apparently, the speaker blames the angels for killing his love due to their jealousy. As the speaker argues, the wind came from the clouds and led to Annabel Lee’s sickness and eventually resulted in her death. Readers get conversant as the poem end that her relatives took her and buried her in a tomb. The speaker’s narration is an elaboration of the topic of love that is evident in the poem.Love is evident in the poem given that the speaker’s narration purely revolves around issues of love. The speaker loved Annabel right from their teenage in a kingdom by the sea, but their love was apparently challenged by the death of Annabel Lee. Still, the narrator does not forget her gone love, Annabel. He instead continues to dream about her, believes that their souls are knotted. He even sleeps in her tomb at night just to remember the gone love. As narrated by the speaker of the poem, love led to the jealousy that he believes led to Annabel’s death. The speaker courageously mentions that the angels were not even half as happy as he and Annabel were. The narration implies how strong the angels’ envy was since everybody assumes that the angels are a very being in heaven. One would categorize the topic of envy in its own, but it also fall under the topic of love in Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “Annabel Lee”. It is the love that has led to the envy as narrated by the speaker in the poem.


Sana makatulong:>

20. what kind of life did annabel lee​


Annabel herself was a maiden who lived only to love and be loved by the narrator, and his besotted language would suggest that his approach to life was the same

21. Why Annabel Lee was murdered?​


Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem of remembrance, in which an unnamed narrator thinks about the woman he loved, a woman who died. The narrator of the poem declares that Annabel Lee died because their love was so strong the angels grew jealous and killed her.

22. How would you interpret the poem of Annabel Lee?​​


“Annabel Lee” tells the story of young love cut short by tragedy. As the speaker (often assumed to be based on Poe himself, whose young wife died shortly before he wrote this poem) discusses his relationship with the now-deceased Annabel Lee, he presents the love between them as pure, eternal, and all-conquering.



“Annabel Lee” tells the story of young love cut short by tragedy. As the speaker (often assumed to be based on Poe himself, whose young wife died shortly before he wrote this poem) discusses his relationship with the now-deceased Annabel Lee, he presents the love between them as pure, eternal, and all-conquering.

23. What is the content of the poem Annabelle Lee?​

"Annabel Lee" is the last complete poem composed by American author Edgar Allan Poe. Like many of Poe's poems, it explores the theme of the death of a beautiful woman. The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee when they were young, has a love for her so strong that even angels are envious.


24. what kind of poem is Annabel Lee?​


"Annabel Lee" consists of six stanzas, three with six lines, one with seven, and two with eight, with the rhyme pattern differing slightly in each one. Though it is not technically a ballad, Poe referred to it as one. Like a ballad, the poem uses repetition of words and phrases purposely to create its mournful effect


pa brainliest [ not forcing] :D


“Annabel Lee ” is a ballad, a narrative poem that was designed for recitation or singing

25. . How many lines are there in stanza 1 in annabel lee


4 lines in every stanza


six lines

Stanza 1 has six lines


i hope its right! ❤

26. Annabel Lee how do people face death


Annabel Lee dies of apparent hypothermia.


thanks me later

27. what is the setting of the poem Annabel lee? ​


ahhm sino po yun annabel Lee?

28. what genre is annabel lee?​


It's a Gothic Fiction.


It is a genre or mode of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance.


Gothic friction

"Gothic friction,sometimes

reffered to as gothic horror,is a

genre or mode of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance."if we will return to the lines of annabel Lee we will see the narrator of the poem recounted his love story

Sorry kung wrong po

Hope it helps

29. what happened to annabel lee in the story​


Annabel Lee" is about a beautiful, painful memory. Apparently a wind came down from the clouds, which made Annabel Lee sick and then eventually killed her. ... When this happened, her relatives came and took her away from the speaker, and shut her up in a tomb.

30. what is the literary device used in the poem annabel lee​


Some of the literary devices used in the poem "Annabel Lee" include personification, repetition, internal rhyme and alliteration. Published in 1849, "Annabel Lee" was Edgar Allan Poe's last complete poem. In literature, personification means to attribute human characteristics to something that is non-human.

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