Verbs Multiple Choice Questions

Verbs Multiple Choice Questions

structures- aspects of verbs. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the word group that bes answers the question or completes the sentence. Story: The Sly Fox 1. How does the story open? a. It introduces the characters of the story. b. It gives background information on the characters c. It tells where the story happened. d. It started with dialogue between the two characters. 4​

Daftar Isi

1. structures- aspects of verbs. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the word group that bes answers the question or completes the sentence. Story: The Sly Fox 1. How does the story open? a. It introduces the characters of the story. b. It gives background information on the characters c. It tells where the story happened. d. It started with dialogue between the two characters. 4​


D. it started with a dialogue between the two characters

2. B. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Identify the type of persuasive technique that being described. Choose from the options in the box Adjectives and Adverbs Modal Verbs Association Bandwagon Rhetorical Questions Repetition 6. Writers frequently use words to convey a particular message. Consider an adjective's connotations and impact on the reader. Adverbs are words that describe a verb. 7. It gives the reader information about the degree of obligation or certainty involved in the action. 8. It is used in persuasive writing because it directly addresses the reader and allows them to reflect. 9. Orators frequently use it to emphasize points, persuade others of its truth, and make speeches easier to follow. 10. Likes and desires of the target audience are linked in this persuasion technique​


6. Adjectives & Adverbs

7. Modal Verbs

8. Rhetorical Questions

9. Bandwagon

10. Association

3. B. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Identify the type of persuasive technique being described Choose from the options provided Adjectives and Adverbs Modal Verbs Association Rhetorical Questions Bandwagon Repetition 6. Writers frequently use words to convey a particular message. Consider an adjective's connotations and impact on the reader. Adverbs are words that describe a verb. 7. It gives the reader information about the degree of obligation or certainty involved in the action. 8. It is used in persuasive writing because it directly addresses the reader and allows them to reflect. 9. Orators frequently use it to emphasize points, persuade others of its truth, and make speeches easier to follow. 10. Likes and desires of the target audience are linked in this persuasion technique.​


6.adjective and adverbs

7.modal verb

8.rhetorical questions




thanks me latuh

4. PRE ASSESSMENT Multiple Choice Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Write your answer on a separate sheet. Don't forget to write your NAME, GRADE LEVEL & SECTION, SUBJECT, MODULE NUMBER and DATE submitted Before starting with this module, let us see how much you know about active and passive voices of verb Directions: Write A for active voice and Pif it is in the passive voice Example Most teenagers use gadgets. Answer. A 1. Classes were suspended on March 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic 2. As a precaution, people wear face mask and face shield. 3. Everybody is worried due to the corona virus. 4. Military men and health workers inspect all passers-by in every border 5. Disposable latex gloves are worn by medical doctors and nurses. 6. Henry eats fruits and vegetables every day to stay healthy. 7. Junk foods are not advised by doctors. 8. Young people like you, are being ordered to stay at home. 9. Students should adjust to the new normal way of learning. 10. You will read and answer your modules in all subjects with the guidance of your parents or guardians. 11. The teachers are preparing the modules in all learning areas. 12. The Department of Education is encouraging students to continue learning​




yan po lods

5. I Directions: (Multiple Choice) Read the sentences or questions carefully. Then write onlythe letter of the correct answer on the space provided for before each number.1. A small paper form that a person includes with a bank deposit to show how moneyhe or she is putting in a bank account.a. Bank Form b. Cash Deposit Slipc. Note d. Withdrawal Slip_2. Unfamiliar words are wordsa. whose meanings are not yet known c. that are hard to readb. that are spelled erroneouslyd. that are too long_3. These are words formed by putting two or more words together to form a new word.a. Compound Words b. Compound Sentence c. Complex Sentence d. Base Words4. There is no place so sweet and comfortable like one's motherland. Which word is acompound word? a. place b. comfortable C. Sweet d. motherland_5. These are affixes that are added at the beginning of the base or root word to makea new word.a. Context cluesb. Prefixesc. Suffixesd. Nouns6.A large meal eaten at a time between breakfast and lunch is_a. Spork b. brunch c. lunchsupd. suplunch-7. These group of words cannot be considered as sentence since they don't have acomplete thought and they cannot stand on their own.a. Dependent Clause b. Independent Clause C. Compound words d. Blended words_8. The kind of sentence where the verb comes first before the subjecta. Simple Sentence b. Compound Sentence c. Complex Sentence d. InvertedSentence9. Complex sentence show cause-effect relationship. Which one shows the cause?a. Liza got a surprised gift. c. because she took good care of her sister's petb. She went home happily. d. She was blessed with a new pet._10. The internet is truly a place of useful information the internet is also one of themost dangerous places.a. SOb. ifc. butd. yetHappy learning everyone. God bless!​


1.a 2.b 3.c 4.b 5. a 6.c 7.b 8.d 9. c or b 10 .a

6. WEEK 1 - TOPIC: TOP-DOWN vs BOTTOM-UP LISTENING STRATEGIESAnalyze the different situations below, then identify whether the type of listening strategy is categorized as TOP-DOWN O BOTTOM -UP strategies:1. The students are listening to a multiple choice questions to get the correct answers.2. Student listens to part of the story, complete the story ending then listen and compare endings3. They listen to some utterances and describe the emotional reaction they hear: happy, sad, etc.4. I am listening to a doctor talk to a patient. I expect that the doctor will give some advice or maybe aprescription5. Students are listening to the tongue twister uttered by their English teacher.6. Underlined a grammar structure or verb tense while the teacher is discussing.7. Skip over vocabulary words that you don't understand.8. Write the number of paragraph where you find the answers.9. Your friend shared story of a place where you've been in the same year.10. A typical student who spots an unusual word in the question, locates it in the text as though doingsearch puzzle and simply copies the information about it.​


1.bottom up

2.bottom up

3.bottom up

4.bottom up

5.bottom up



8.bottom up

9.bottom up

10.bottom up

7. I. MULTIPLE CHOICEA. Directions: Read the following statements comprehensively. Write the correct letter of your answer on the space provided after the sentence. (1 pt. each)1. It is a part of speech that shows the relationship between a noun, pronouns, or a noun equivalent and some other words in a sentence.a. adjective b. adverbc. preposition d. verb2. It is a part of speech that modifies adjective and verb.a. adjectiveb. adverbc. prepositiond. verb3. The following are examples of an adverb of frequency, except:a. alwaysb. oftenc. perfectlyd. usually4. It is the sentence that used preposition which indicates time.a. The pedestrian ran across the road.b. There is a plant growing beneath the windowsill.c. Jenny got a trophy after winning the singing contest.d. We were waiting for the movie sat outside the dressing room.5. The following sentences used adverbs of manner, except:a. Ed gets up early to jog.b. The pianist reads the notes carefully.c. The employee does her work cheerfully.d. The singers rehearse seriously for the carolling.6. It is the type of adverbs that answers the question "Where?".a. adverb of timeb. adverb of placec. adverb of mannerd. adverb of frequency​


1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5 B

6. B


double my answer for you to make sure that it is right

8. INTERVENTION MATERIAL in ENGLISH 7 Written Assessment A. TRUE or FALSE Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not. ______1. A speech is direct when we quote the exact words that a person said. ______2. Reported speech or indirect speech is another way of saying what someone said, but without quotation marks. ______3. A phrase is a group of related words that is used as a single part of speech and that does not contain a verb and its subject. ______4. Clause is a group of words with at least a subject and a verb. ______5. Sentence is a word or group of words that expresses a complete thought. B. MULTIPLE CHOICE Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. _____6. before two o’clock A. prepositional phrase B. noun phrase C. verb phrase D. all of the above _____7. inside the box A. prepositional phrase B. noun phrase C. verb phrase D. all of the above _____8. the company picnic A. prepositional phrase B. noun phrase C. verb phrase D. all of the above _____9. school canteen A. prepositional phrase B. noun phrase C. verb phrase D. all of the above ______10. prepares delicious menu A. prepositional phrase B. noun phrase C. verb phrase D. all of the above Performance Task (PETA) Directions: Which close reading technique (Survey, Question, Read, Review) can help you the most in learning? Choose one technique and write the reason why in 3-5 sentences. AUTOMATICALLY REPORTED IF YOUR ANSWER IS NONSENSE, INCOMPLETE, INCORRECT, AND HOPE YOU GUYS HELP ME A LOT THANKS.












9. A. Directions: Complete the sentence with the appropriate modal auxiliary verb.6. Jose ______ play computer games after he is done with all his schoolwork. (permission)7. Georgina _______ throw her garbage along the sidewalk. Isn't she aware of the sign 'do not litter'? (prohibition)8. Online learners ______ be on screen on the exact schedule time. (obligation)9. During discussions, students _______ always asks questions politely. (permission)10. Residents of the lockdown city _______ strictly follow protocols. (obligation)B. Multiple Choice: Fill in the blank with the correct modal auxiliary verb.11. You _______ say sorry to anyone but to yourself.A. don't have toB. have to C. has to D. must12. Students _______ always use the library for advance readings.A. canB. hasC. haveD. can't13. We _______ give considerations depending on his reason of being late.A. mahB. mustC. doesD. do14. _______ I have a favor?A. haveB. hasC. can D. must15. He ________ possibly ask her to marry him on her birthday.A. does not have toB. could C. mayD. has to​


11. A





10. Multiple Choice. Complete the statements below by choosing the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on the spaces provided before each number. ________ 1. __________ refers to the comprehensive explanation of ideas through describing and providing specific details. A. Argument B. Declarative C. Exposition D. Rhetorical ________ 2. The following are the parts of an expository writing EXCEPT for __________. A. restatement of position C. declarative B. statement of position D. argument ________ 3. “We can overcome this pandemic as long as we help each other.” The underlined word in the sentence is an example of a __________. A. modal adverbs B. modal verbs C. both A and B D. none of these ________ 4. “Relief bags are distributed by the Barangay officials.” This sentence is an example of a __________ voice. A. active B. loud C. passive D. silent ________ 5. __________ voice is the voice of the verb wherein the object or the receiver of the action is given more emphasis and importance than the doer or the subject. B. Active B. Loud C. Passive D. Silent________ 6. When we want to present and give ideas, we express it using __________ sentences.A. declarative B. imperative C. interrogative D. exclamatory________ 7. After, and, before, but, and so are common examples of __________.A. conjunctions B. modals C. nouns D. prepositions________ 8. We usually put __________ questions on our introduction to catch the reader’s interest or to put them into thinking.A. argumentative B. declarative C. exposition D. rhetorical________ 9. In writing exposition and arguments, we have to avoid using __________ words.A. formal B. foul C. nice D. slang________ 10. “Blended Learning: A Parent, A Student, and A Teacher’s Point of View” This title is a best example for an __________ writing.A. argumentative B. expository C. literary D. narrative​


1. C











Tama ako lahat d'yan nasa sa'yo kung kokopyahin mo:)

11. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the correct answer from the given choices in each item. Write only the letter before the number. 1. It refers to the writer's specific aim or objective in writing the text. A. Type B. Purpose C. Kind D. Characteristic 2. It is a grammatical sentence in which the subject performs an action indicated by the verb A. Active Voice B. Tense of Verb C. Voice of Verb D. Passive Voice 3. The word "tense" is used to show an action happened. A. what B. where C. why D. when 4. Direct speech is a sentence that gives a statement or thoughts in its form according to h speaker said it. A. content B. idea C. original D. initial 5. Word or group of words which is used to make a statement, question, command, or wish. A. Phrase B. Clause C. Sentence D. Fragment 6. It is a reading technique used when a reader wants to find specific information quickly. A. Scanning B. Skimming C. Note Taking D. Close Reading 7. What does the speaker want to audience after asking them to give reactions, opinions or suggestions? A. Respond B. Agree C. Follow D. Disagree 8. What does OPAC mean? A. Over Potential Active Company C. Overview Public Action Center B. Online Presentation Academic Course D. Online Public Access Catalog 9.An electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world is A. Internet B. Program C. Satellite D. Media 10. A long written and printed literary composition used in finding information is A. Book B. Website C. Internet D. Media 11. What is the word used to describe a summary? A. lengthy B. Expounded C. Shortened D. Original 12. It is done through a sequential reading of a text. A Linear B. Non-Linear C. Skimming D. Scanning 13. This term is applied for combining multiple media formats. A. Multitext B. Interactive Media C. Adaptive Media D. Multimedia 14. It is a basic level of communication which involves a process of utilizing thinking,​


I have supplied the answers to the questions below. However, number 14 was incomplete, so I could not see the choices and provide the right answer.

1. B. Purpose

2. A. Active Voice

3. D. When

4. C. original

5. C. Sentence

6. A. Scanning

7. A. Respond

8. D. Online Public Access Catalog

9. A. Internet

10. A. Book

11. C. Shortened

12. A. Linear

13. B. Multimedia

14. No choices, sorry, I can't help with this question.



You can learn more about the OPAC, which is short for Online Public Access Catalog, by checking out this link:

12. Please help me with thisMultiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer before the number. ______1. It is made up of at least two independent clauses joined by a conjunction and/or an appropriate punctuation mark.dependent clause B. independent clause C. compound d. complex______2. It is the ability to honestly express your opinions, feelings, attitudes, and rights in a way that respects the rights of others. It is a healthy way of communicating.assertiveness B. making requests C. asking permissions D. both a and c______3.It is a figurative statement in which the speaker asks a question then answers it.rhetorical B. hypophora C.both a and b d. none of the choices______4. The following phrases are used to express a personal point of view EXCEPT. I believe that… B. I would like to point out that… C. In my experience.. D. Some people say that…_____5. What modal verb used to ask for permission in an informal or less polite way?would B. can C. could D. mayPart II:Construct a sentence using the phrases below. Asking PermissionDo you mind if I+verb______________________________________________Would it possible for me+verb_____________________________________________Do you mind if I+ verbMaking RequestsCould you please+ verb__________________________________________ Can you please+verb_________________________________________Part II: Use the correct conjunction to combine the sentences. Write the compound sentence on the space provided.I drink green tea.They drink coffee. ______________________________________________________He was tired.He went to bed early.____________________________________________________I cooked dinner.He washed the dishes.____________________________________________________I want to lose weight. I eat chocolate daily._____________________________________________________We can go now. We can go later.I have never talked to that guy.Do I want to it.________________________________________________________I made a promise.I have to see it through. Part III:Direction: Give the correct number sequence from 1-5. “The ways to be Assertive.”____ Ask for things in a clear and concise manner.____ Use “I” statements such as “I would like . . . ,” “I prefer . . . ,” or “I feel . . .” when discussing a problem with another person. You should focus on the problem and not on accusing or blaming the other person.____ When you are in a discussion, let others speak first. You can also ask for someone else's opinion and then listen to the answer. When you disagree, try to say so without putting down the other person's point of view.____ Express your opinion. For example, say whether or not you liked a movie you saw and why, etc.____ Say what you prefer, especially on things that hardly matter.Part IV: Essay Make an essay, 3-5 sentences in each part. The introduction, body, and conclusion.Why is it important for us to be able to express our opinions and emotions?



The ways to be Assertive:

Ask for things in a clear and concise manner.Use "I" statements.Let others speak first and respect their opinion.

Express your opinion.

Say what you prefer.



Expressing our opinions and emotions is important because it allows us to

communicate effectively with others.

By being honest about how we feel,

we can create deeper connections and understanding in our relationships.

It also helps us to assert ourselves

and stand up for our rights and beliefs. Additionally, being able to express

our emotions can help us manage

our mental and emotional well-being

by reducing stress and promoting self-awareness.

13. 1.lin nipang-unauIto ngSad naPost Testwalחור1. Nailalnapake2. Naihahbansa saaipapaliwmolchiya,iliwanagng-bayannang wra kunMultiple Choice. Complete the statements below by choosing the letter of the correct answer. Write youranswers on the spaces provided before each number.1.gra!refers to the comprehensive explanation of ideas through describing andproviding specific details.A. ArgumentB. DeclarativeC. ExpositionD. Rhetorical2. The foilowing are the parts of an expository writing EXCEPT forA. restatement of positionC. declarativeB. statement of positionD. argument3. “We can overcome this pandemic as long as we help each other.” The underlined word inthe sentence is an example of aA. mouai adverbsD. Modal verbsC. buth A and BD. none of these4. "Relief bags are distributed by the Barangay officials." This sentence is an example of avoice.A activeB. loudC. passiveD. silent5.voice is the voice of the verb wherein the object or the receiver of the action isgiver more emphasis and importance than the doer or the subject.B. ActiveB. LoudC. PassiveD. Silent6. When we want to present and give ideas, we express it usingsentencesA. declarativeB. imperativeC. interrogative D. exclamatory7. After, and, before, but, and so are common examples ofA. conjunctionsB. modalsC. nounsD. prepositions8. We usually putquestions on our introduction to catch the reader's interest or toputthem into thinkingA. argumentativeD. rhetoricalB. declarative C. expositionwords.9. In writing exposition and arguments, we have to avoid usingA formalB. foulD. slangC. nice10. "Blended Learning: A Parent, A Student, and A Teacher's Point of View" This title is abest example for anwritingargumentativeB. expositoryD. narrativeC. literaryA​



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